Sacem gives you keys to understand what’s going on

The European Parliament's vote on 12th September marked a very important step in the discussions on the proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.
This proposal started badly four years ago with the report of the Pirate MP, Mrs Reda, and a generally hostile orientation against authors' rights. Since then, the text has changed considerably with, in particular, Article 13, which aims to rebalance the contractual relationship between the creators and the digital platforms, but also Article 11, which creates a right to remuneration for the press and journalists.
On 12 September, the European Parliament, by 212 votes in advance, adopted a version of the directive which preserves these balances for a better protection of creators.
The mobilisation of our members has contributed a lot.
Today though, nothing has been played out yet!
We are entering into the very last phase of discussions on the text, between States, the European Parliament and the European Commission. This will lead to a new vote in the European Parliament, in principle in the first quarter of 2019.
Over the past few weeks, Google and YouTube have triggered a massive and very violent media disinformation campaign against this directive.
This has already provoked reactions, especially from the European Commission.
On Thursday 29 November, the new Minister of Culture, Mr Franck Riester, brought together all the French organisations representing rightholders, including Sacem, to take stock of the current negotiations on the draft directive.
On this occasion, Franck Riester emphasised that the campaign by Google and YouTube was unacceptable, and called on the "forces of creation" to remain mobilised, and to respond to misinformation.
This meeting resulted in the publishing of this press release (in french) : L'Europe doit résister au chantage de Google et Youtube.
In all European countries, professional organisations of authors and publishers are being mobilised, and the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (Gesac), of which Sacem is a member, actively relays the messages.
The rights of our members are in danger.
Their contribution to the public debate on the directive will therefore be decisive.
To take action directly,
please find below the tools and elements to respond to attacks and untruths broadcast by YouTube.
You can especially use social networks by including the hashtags
#EuropeForCreators #CopyrightDirective,
or even the hashtag of the opponents,
#SaveYourInternet, to make you visible to them.

© copyright
We set out below some resources and articles to understand better the stakes of this directive, to uncover myths, and to have specific and pedagogical answers.
Responding to the disinformation campaign
- Our responses to the YouTube Intox (06.12.18)
- Article 13 in questions (06.12.18)
Understanding the situation
- Questions to David El Sayegh, Sacem Secretary General
- Authors' right: to the net giants to pay? (in French) - (Emission - France 24 - 12.09.18)
- How YouTube is registering its users... (in French) - (Press - Télérama - 23.11.18)
- Frequently asked questions : Understand what the Directive would change (31.08.18)
"Friends" accounts to follow, share and retweet:
- Europe For Creators: @EUForCreators
- Authors societies: @authorsocieties
- Save Our Sound Initiative: @save_our_sound
Going further
- Tribune - Jean-Noël Tronc (in French) - (Le Monde - 11.09.18)
- Tribune - Pierre Louette, Pascal Rogard, Jean-Noël Tronc (in French) - (FigaroVox - 02.07.18)
- Tribune - Samy Ketz (in French) - (FigaroVox - 02.08.18)
- Speech by Jean-Marie Cavada at the Journées de la création (in French) - (28.06.18)
Published December 07 2018